The first laboratory of the net was started during the 90’s in the Departement of Electrical Engineering at the University of Padova, with the aim of reinforcing the research activity on electric drives, until then theoretical, and to participate to research projects proposed by industrial partners.
The early years’ research was oriented to innovative motor control techniques, such as fuzzy logic control, sliding mode control and sensor-less control.
Studies on the design of electric motors was following, first regarding Surface Mounted PM (SPM) synchronous motors and then Interior Permanent Magnet (IPM), pure reluctance (REL) synchronous motors and induction motors (IM). For each case, both rotating and linear versions were considered.
Many designs evolved to industrial products, put on the market by the industrial partners of the laboratory.
In year 2000, in connection with the transfer of one of the senior researchers of EDLab to the University of Udine, a new structure was started, i.e. EDLab-UD. Part of the research activities in the field of electrical drives moved from EDLab-PD to EDLab-UD, further enriched by research on drives and models for automotive, in particular for the steer-by-wire systems. In year 2006 a new permanent researcher position was created at the University of Udine within the field of electrical drives control, with the aim of extending the staff of EDLab Net, also gaining additional competences in high-performance digital controllers and power electronics design for electrical drives. (Read more!)
Also in year 2006 a brand new research structure has started in Vicenza, in connection with the first-degree course in Mechatronics of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Padova (decentralised seat). The EDLab-VI is actually a part of the integrated laboratory on Mechatronics, in Vicenza, and its start-up activity is on advanced control of ac drives. (Read more!)
In 2012, the last part of the network, i.e. EDLab-BZ started in connection with the transfer of one of the researchers of EDLab-PD to the Free University of Bozen.(Read more!)
The present EDLab Net’s research activities include research and development of advanced electrical motor drives for industrial, commercial and residential applications. A part of the activity is supported by Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), in the frame of Research Projects of National Interest (PRIN/FIRST Programs). Also local Universities, the European Community (by Craft or similar Projects) and, as a consistent quote, private contractors (i.e. mainly industries active in the field) provide financial support to the activities of EDLab Net.