Fundamental researches
Fundamental researches are aimed, as their primary objective, to the advancement of knowledge and the theoretical understanding of basic and emerging topics related to all the aspects of the Electrical Drives. Ministry, University or EDLab funds support this kind of Research activity. Results of the Fundamental Researches are later used profitably in Applied Research projects; sometime a Fundamental Research is triggered by the need of some Applied Research.
Among the topics dealing with at the moment and in the last years the following are worthy to be mentioned. (newest first)
- Rotor position sensorless detection for interior permanent magnet (IPM) motor drives, by signal injection. The topic has been faced both from the electromechanical point of view by designing rotor configuration well suited to these estimation technique and from the control point of view by designing estimation algorithms able to detect the rotor speed and postion at any motor speed. Read more
- Design criteria for reducing the torque ripple in PM motors. Read more
- Model predictive control for PM synchronous motor drives. This reserch focuses on advanced torque control of permanent magnet synchronous motor drives. A novel modular structure is introduced to simplify the design and implementation of Model Predictive Control (MPC). Read more
- Design and control of PM synchronous motors for operation in the flux weakening region. Read more
- Design and control of Fault-tolerant motors and drives. Read more
- Advanced design techniques for electrical motors devoted to variable speed drives Read more
- Time optimal current or torque control for PM synchronous motor drives - The research proposes an innovative current control strategy for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) drives with both isotropic and anisotropic rotors, based on Pontryagin’s Time Optimal Control (TOC) theory. Read more
- Sensorless PM synchronous motor drives based on an Extended Kalman Filter. It addresses the problem of the tuning of the Extended Kalman Filter algorithm, as well its extension to non-sinusoidal back-emf motors and IPM motors, for both the constant power region and the flux-weakening region. The sensor-less strategy has been experimentally evaluated with pull-in and pullout curves, and the laboratory prototype is now ready for industrialisation.
- Fuzzy logic control applications to electrical drives. The studies in this area were carried out in the in the nineties and devoted to acquire the base knowledge about these systems, to identify their potentials in electrical machine and drive design, with experimental verification. Read more
page revision: 22, last edited: 13 Oct 2017 16:09