2006 Departmental Evaluation

During 2006, the Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of Padova has been submitted to an evaluation of the activities of its Research Groups (Research Programmes). EDLab resulted in a clear leading position among all the Departmental Research Groups. The following is extracted from the Final Evaluation Report filled by the expert Panellists.

This report is the result of an evaluation exercise undertaken in Padova over the period 6th - 8th November 2006. The evaluation was carried out by a team of international experts having knowledge and expertise relevant to the programmes of research being undertaken in the Department of Electrical Engineering
(a) Programmes in which the research is of a leading international standard

Electrical Drives - The evaluation panel considered this research program to be of international quality and to compare very favourably with leading electrical drives groups elsewhere. In reaching this conclusion, the panel considered the projects being undertaken, the number of students being educated, the interaction with both Italian industry as well as the broader international research community, and the dissemination of the research results in terms of conference and archival journal publications. The current projects within the group were found to be of significant research and economic interest, both with respect to local Italian industry and in terms of attracting students. As specific examples, the panel noted the projects relating to drives for automotive power steering applications, systems for direct drive applications and the high efficiency drive for an inner city electrical scooter. In all instances, the projects incorporated the essential characteristics of theory, design and experimental validation. The level of activity in the program was found to be very high, the students were enthusiastic, and overall research direction had focus and coherence.
The panel was impressed with the level of research funding that has been available to the group, both from national competitions and from local industry. The panel noted, in particular, the success that has been achieved in reaching out to local industry for support. The funding has obviously resulted in the development of excellent research facilities for design and testing. The panel specifically noted the availability of several experimental test benches for motor parameter extraction and drive system testing. The research output of the program, as measured by the quality and number of publications, was found to be excellent. The work is published regularly in strong archival journals and is presented regularly at leading international conferences. Additionally, there are strong contacts with most of the leading international electrical drives groups. The panel was also impressed with the regular symposia that have been organized to present the research in the program to local industry. The panel is confident that the group will continue to attract strong funding and significant numbers of students.

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