• 2020 - Brian Chalmers Best Paper Awards (for outstanding technical competence displayed in an oral paper presented at ICEM):
Grazia Berardi, Shafigh Nategh, Nicola Bianchi: "Inter-turn Voltage in Hairpin Winding of Traction Motors Fed by High-Switching Frequency Inverters"
• 2019 - First Prize Paper Award of the Electrical Machines Technical Committee (EMTC) of the Industrial Electronics Society
Emir Poskovic, Fausto Franchini, Nicola Bianchi, Federico Carosio, “Overview on bonded magnets realization, characterization and adoption in prototypes”, Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2019),
• 2019 - IET Journals Premium (Best Paper) Awards
Bianchi, N., Mahmoud, H., Bolognani, S.: ‘ Fast synthesis of permanent magnet assisted synchronous reluctance motors ’, IET Electric Power Applications, 2016, 10, (5), pp. 312–318
• 2018 - 3rd Prize Paper Award by the Electrical Machines Technical Committee of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
A. Favato, P. G. Carlet, F. Toso, S. Bolognani, "A Model Predictive Control for Synchronous Motor Drive with Integral Action", Proceedings of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference, Washington, 2018
• 2017 - 3rd Prize Paper Award by the IEEE Industrial Drives Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society
N. Bedetti, S. Calligaro, R. Petrella, "Automatic MTPA Tracking in IPMSM Drives: Loop Dynamics, Design and Auto-Tuning", Proceedings of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2016), 18 22 September, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2016, (IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 4547–4558, Sept./Oct. 2017)
• 2016 - Certificate of Appreciation to:
V. Manzolini, for the best presentation "D-Axis Polarity Detection for IPM Synchronous Motor Drives by High Frequency Voltage Injection", during 2016 Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2016).
• 2016 - Conference Best Paper Award:
N. Bianchi, "Replacing SPM by PMARel Machines in Low-speed High-torque Applications", presented at 2016 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Expo (ECCE 2016).
• 2016 - PhD Thesis Award:
The PhD Thesis by Alessandro Pevere, formerly PhD student and then postdoc at EDLabUD, has been recognized by one of the two PhD Adward 2016, assigned by University of Udine together with Confartigianato (Federation of Small Enterprises) of Udine for the best PhD Thesis in the Technical/Scientific Area (2016).
• 2014 - Conference Best Paper Prize:
E. Carraro, M. Morandin, N. Bianchi, "Optimization of a PMASR Motor According to a Given Driving Cycle", presented at 2014 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC 2014).
• 2014 - Outstanding Presentation Award:
A. Antonioli, M. Antonioli, S. Calligaro, R. Petrella, "A Low Cost Sensorless Drive for Hybrid Stepper Motors Based on Back EMF Observer and Direct Axis Current Injection for Industrial Labeller Applications" presented at the Twenty-Eight Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 16-20 March, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, 2014.
• 2013 - Conference Best Paper Award:
S. Bolognani, A. Faggion, "Effective Formulation of the DTC Strategy for Convergence and Stability Analysis – The IPM Motor Drive Case Study" presented at the 1st PRECEDE Symposium, Munich, 2013
• 2013 - Invited to Plenary Session:
M. Morandin, M. Ferrari and S. Bolognani, "Design and Performance of a Power Train for Mild-Hybrid Motorcycle Prototype", 2013 IEEE Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC), May 12-15th, in Chicago, IL USA
• 2013 - IEEE Transactions First Prize Paper Award, IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS):
L. Alberti, N. Bianchi, "Theory and Design of Fractional-Slot Multilayer Windings" published in Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 49, n. 2, March-April 2013.
• 2009 - Conference Second Prize Paper Award:
S.Bolognani, R.Petrella, A.Prearo, L.Sgarbossa, “Automatic Tracking of MTPA Trajectory in Interior Permanent magnet Motor Drives based on AC Current Injection” presented at the 1st ECCE Conference, San Jose, 2009 (IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 104-114, Jan.-Feb. 2011).
• 2009 - Conference Best Paper Award:
R. Petrella, A. Revelant, P. Stocco, "Robust Grid Synchronisation in Three-Phase Distributed Power Generation Systems by Synchronous Reference Frame Pre-Filtering" presented at the 44th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference, 14 September, Glasgow, Scotland, 2009
• 2009 - IEEE Transactions Honorable Mention Prize Paper Award, IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS):
N.Bianchi, S.Bolognani, “Sensorless-Oriented Design of PM Motors” published in Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 45, n. 4, July-August 2009.
• 2009 - Best Student Paper Award:
Saverio Bolognani, S. Bolognani, L. Peretti, and M. Zigliotto “Design and Implementation of Model Predictive Control for Electrical Motor Drives”, awarded by 1st IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems, NECSYS, 2009.
• 2006 - Conference Third Prize Paper Award:
N.Bianchi, S.Bolognani, D.Bon, M.Dai Pré, “Rotor-flux barrier design for torque ripple reduction in synchronous reluctance motors” presented at the 41st IAS Annual Meeting, Tampa, 2006.
• 2000 - Conference First Optim-ABB Prize Paper Award:
N.Bianchi, S.Bolognani, "Design Criteria of Embedded PM Motors for Squarewave Current Control", presented at OPTIM 2000 Conference.